about us

Ahlan wa sahlan to YWAM Jordan!

Welcome to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, a young country dense with history, a well-travelled bridge between sea and desert, east and west. Above the layers of antiquity lies a land of beauty and contrast; the Jordan Valley, fertile, ever changing and remote desert canyons, immense and still. Here are splendid castles, the wilderness of Wadi Rum, Red Sea coral reefs and the Dead Sea. Here too are monuments from every age of humanity; Mount Nebo, Petra, Jerash plus many historical biblical sites as well.


Elijah was born here and John the Baptist walked the land 1500 years after Moses and God’s people passed through. Jesus himself walked and ministered in Jordan and was baptised here in the Jordan river.


As a community we have had a long term presence in the country for over 40 years. Launched out of a greater vision of seeing waves of young people spreading and crashing like waves on the shores of all nations, a small team settled in Jordan to be a part of God’s story. 

During the years we have seen many people join us, with that same calling on their heart, to go to the nations and to use their God given passions to train, restore and bring hope to the communities around them. 

We find ourselves in a unique time in history where God’s transformative power is taking root around us like never before. Our community is growing rapidly with people, initiatives and opportunities and we want more people to be a part of this. 

Join us for a life changing experience!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

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Isaiah 43:19