Ministry opportunities

English Center

The English Center has become a unique place for locals and foreigners to come together to learn from one another for many years. Locals, immigrants and refugees may come to learn English, but they stay because it is a place where barriers are broken, friendships are made and hope is restored.


To help the Center continue to be a welcoming place, we need many volunteers! Whether it is teaching English, being available for conversation, putting your personal/professional skills to use, practising your barista skills, there is a place for you!


Here is how you can serve:

Teaching English classes – even if you have never taught, we will happily equip you with the tools you need!

Curriculum development – if you have experience in teaching English and desire to help others have more resources available, this is something you can do from outside Jordan.

Cafe – Get to know people by serving drinks and engaging conversation.


Clubs – Do you have a passion for art? Sports? Women’s health? There are many opportunities to share your passion and bless others!

King’s Kids

King’s Kids is an international movement, embracing a kingdom lifestyle that is family-based and generationally linked.


Our purpose is to mobilize, equip, reach out and care for children, youth and families knowing God, bringing Him joy and making Him and His Kingdom known.

Generations living the kingdom together.

Training Team

Are you passionate about faith-fuelled education and long to see others trained in ways that will catalyse transformation in them and through them? Our training team is investing in our community and in the next generation through discipleship, training programs and seminars. We aim to equip and teach students to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations, with the goal that our students know how to practically apply and display God’s truth both in them and through them.

If you feel called to discipleship and training please come and join us in this key time as we stand on the doorstep of God’s promise to us to become a training hub for the region.

Short term teams

Come and be a part of what God is doing here in the Middle East. Join us for an impactful and memorable time serving alongside of our teams, meeting new friends whilst getting to know the Arab people and culture better.

Our work cannot happen without short term teams; you bring fresh enthusiasm and ideas, cover the land in prayer and get to know new friends.

Come and build meaningful relationships with real people who long for more in their lives. 

We have a variety of programs set up to help your short-term team achieve an impactful and memorable trip. 

Why Join YWAM Jordan?

Having operated for over 40 years in the region we understand what it takes to live and thrive here long term. We know that what is needed here is more than just understanding of culture and language, we need to carry God’s deep love for this beautiful land and people.

We work hand in hand alongside believers from many organizations, denominations and backgrounds. We carry the same vision to see the Kingdom of God flood throughout the region – bringing life, healing and reconciliation.

We are no longer all youth, but as a family we hold on to a childlike faith to take bold risks, do new things, and together believe for the impossible. Come and join us.

40+ Years Regional Experience

On-Location Training

Diverse Teams & Opportunities
